Kenyans waiting for KCSE results as marking ends

By Amoto Ndiewo

Marking of Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) which started immediately after the exam ended on 16th April   came to end on Tuesday 4th May. 

The process involved 27, 284 examiners who worked in 33 national school in eight former provinces. The KNEC data show that 752,933 candidates sat for the examination in 10,437 centres. 

However,   the process witnessed several complaints about poor pay and delayed allowances.

Examiners at Moi Girls High School and State House Girls in Nairobi protested against unpaid allowances due at the tail end of the marking exercises.

The spat attracted the attention of KUPPET, whose secretary general Akello Misori criticised the KNEC for showing lack of respect to examiners.

Akello had earlier blamed KNEC of failing to address poor payment and asked for enhanced perks in the face of hard times due to Covid-19 plague. 

The markers earn between Sh51 and Sh58 per script and KUPPET want this doubled.

‘’Examinations in this country are treated as a delicate process, but where does that coordination go when it reaches the paying examiners of their dues,’’ Akello posed.

Although marking has ended and KNEC is currently compiling results examination it isn’t clear whether they will be released on May 10th as earlier announced by the Ministry of Education.

Commenting on the complaints by the examiners KNEC CEO Mercy Karogo said the matter had come to her attention and was being addressed.

She declined to comment on when the KCSE will be released.


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