Qatar Foundation donates facilities to school in Migori

By Norah Musega

A Qatar charity has donated Madras classrooms among other facilities to Migori Muslim primary school administration and community.

The institutions’ community on Tuesday welcomed the donation saying it will ease congestion during the madrasa lessons.

The charity handed over three madrasa classrooms, office block and four door toilet which will offer madrasa classes not only for students at the school in Migori town but also others within town.

“Before this donation our students who wanted to seek madrasa classes were forced to go to a nearby mosque where existing classes are few and squeezed,” Omar Faisal, the chairman of the school Board of Management said.

Faisal said the Madrasa in a school setting will help in giving a chance not only to Muslim students in the school to learn without going to the mosque, but other students to learn Arabic language and more about the religion.

Some of the parents present at the event noted the initiative will help boost knowledge on the Islamic religion among the community living around the institution for the good of their spiritual growth.

“Most parents were afraid of taking their children to the mosque to learn Arabic and Islam religion. We believe that through this initiative of having some of the facilities that promote learning of the Arabic language within a school set up, the madrasas will help in integration”, said Abdulahi Oriaro, one of the parents.

He said Migori Muslim School was a public school and will form a center for learning about Muslim away from notion that it creates extremism and intolerance.

Shariff Omar Hajj, an officer with Qatar Charity said apart from the madrasa they have plans to drill boreholes, build classes and educate orphans and vulnerable children in Migori across religious boundary.

The officers said the new madrasa classrooms will help ease congestion and maintain social distance rule owing to the fact that the institution is set right at the center of the county’s’ headquarters with high population.

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