Form Four leaver dies after being struck by lightning

By Enock Okong’o

A Form Four student who sat for KCSE at Mariwa Secondary school in Kisii County was recently struck to death by lightning.

According to Nyamondo Location Chief David Kenyenya, the boy met his death as he went to untether his father’s cow from the grazing field.

Learning about the sad incident, Kisii County Education Board Chairman Prof. Henry Onderi appealed to the public to avoid walking in the open when it is raining.

Onderi reminded the government to reinforce their effort in installing lightning arresters at social places like markets, schools and churches to cushion people from such disasters.

He revealed that the late James Kenyanya was a student at Mariwa Secondary school at the Kisii-Migori counties common border.

The Principal of the school James Ondicho said the late was among the most studious candidates in the school.

He regretted that the boy died only a week earlier when the KCSE examinations results are expected to be released.

He prayed for good health and peace to prevail among the remaining students, teachers and parents of the school.

The body of the deceased was taken to Kisii Teaching and Referral Hospital for autopsy and consequent plans for its burial.

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