Protect your children, parents urged

By Erick Nyayiera 

Parents in Siaya County have been urged to protect their children from engaging in activities that could ruin their lives when they are at home.

Siaya County Executive Committee Member (CECM) for Education Rosenell Odondi said parents need to keenly monitor the kind of activities their children are involved in during holidays. 

“Challenges like teenage pregnancies can be solved if parents and guardians join hands to be keepers not only of their children but even the neighbour’s as well,” said Odondi.

The CEC made the remarks at Siaya Township Primary School where she asked the members of the public to continue supporting local schools prevent the spread of COVID-19 across the region. 

She challenged old student lobby groups and other organizations to help the schools adhereto the COVID-19 protocols.

Mrs. Odond was the guest when Siaya Township Primary School alumni Cynthia Musumba donated face masks, hand washing equipment and soap under the recently launched programme called ‘Adopt a School Initiative’. 

Musumba donated 1,500 face masks, 10 liters of liquid soap and 8 hand washing jerricans.

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