Remain within area of restrictions, invigilators urged

By Lydia Ngoolo 

As standard eight and form four candidates are set to start their national examinations,  Makueni County commissioner Mohammed Maalim has called upon the invigilators to strictly remain within their areas of restrictions for total monitoring of exams.

Speaking at Makueni high school when he met county and sub county multi agency team for national exams briefing, Maalim said exam irregularities will not be allowed.

 He added there are no challenges so far and they are set for the exams and called upon every education stakeholder to observe Knec guidelines.

“I overheard someone say there will be no challenges since the rains are not there. No, we need rains as well for our survival, but I call upon everybody to prepare for any eventualities whether there will be rain or no rain,” he said.

Maalim pointed out that there are nine sub counties in Makueni with a container each but due to the expansive nature of the county they have added other three containers in Kalawa, Kambu and Kasikeu giving a total of 12 containers in the county.

 “All this is to cater for the seasonal rivers and the poor terrain in those areas,” Maalim said.

The county has got 871 centres with 31,875 KCPE candidates. There are 370 centres and 22,695 candidates for KCSE. 

There are four officers working in shifts to make sure the exam containers remain safe and untouched except during picking and returning of the exams.

He called upon all security officers to remain vigilant.

However, he urged everyone to observe Covid-19 protocols. “ I call upon parents if possible to kindly provide surgical masks to the candidates,” he said, adding that social distancing will not be a challenge since schools will have closed.

Maalim said every government vehicle must be made available for transporting exams and no excuse should be given. He called upon every health facility to be ready to receive any candidate who starts experiences labour pains while seating for exams.

“We have standby ambulance ready for this matter and any sickness. Anything happens during exams but we pray that our candidates take their exams in good health,” he stated.

County education director James Gachugi called for punctuality saying the invigilators, principals, headteachers must ensure that the package is intact and for that particular school to avoid confusion and time wastage.

He however warned unauthorized visitors not dare visit schools during exams.

“Otherwise let’s give our candidates a conducive environment and wish them well,” Gachugi.

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