Resume co-curricular activities to nurture talent, Govt told

By Norah Musega

The government through Education ministry has been urged to resume co-curriculum activities in schools to identify and nurture talents among the learners.

According to Migori county KUPPET chairman Henry Otunga, the government in putting a freeze on co-curricular activities denied learners a chance to exploit their talents.

Mr Otunga who spoke to Education News at the union office in Migori county, applauded teachers for embracing the call to foster unity through sports.

“It is clear that teachers of Migori have decided to put their political interests aside and to focus on provision of their teaching services as required. Through sports we are able to come together and share our experiences and challenges within the profession,” noted Otunga.

He also applauded the union branch organising secretary for fulfilling his promise to the teachers through creation of a sports activity day that, he said, would serve as psychological support to help curb depression among teachers.

“Through participation in sports we are able to relieve the stress we go through in our profession through interactions with others and having light moments away from our work stations,” he added.

A week ago the union organising secretary, Mr. Kevin Odhiambo led the team in conducting a sporting activity for secondary school teachers in Migori County.

Otunga said learners also should to be guided to follow the Covid-19 protocols while playing in the field.

Odhiambo in his statement said he opted to come up with such an event to bring the teachers together especially after the just concluded KUPPET elections which saw teachers divided.

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