Form two girl commits suicide in school


By Norah Musega

Residents of Sagegi in Suna East constituency are yet to come to terms with an incident where a form two student committed suicide in school last weekend.

Area chief Silas Ogutu said the watchman reported the deceased Vero Boke to the teacher on duty on Friday last week after he found a phone in her bag

The teacher confiscated the phone and asked her to call the parents.

She returned with her mother but teachers asked them to go back and return on Monday morning because the school principal was not present.

Ogutu told Education News that the student went back to school alone in the evening, prompting the administration to allow her spend the night because it was late only for her to commit suicide.

 “Some students who had gone to answer a call of nature at the school toilet at 2.00am, found her hanging on a rope tied on the toilet roof,” said Ogutu.

The school Principal Enosh Matongo said the reason of her taking away her life in such a manner is not clear.

“We cannot tell why she decided to end her life but some sources have revealed that the phone belonged to her father and she feared being punished by the parents,” said Matongo.

The shocked school community and residents at large have commenced prayer sessions apart from offering guidance and counseling lessons in the school.

Matongo said those targeted include students who first discovered the body because they could be traumatized by the situation.

The body was transfered to Migori referral hospital mortuary for autopsy even as investigation into the matter continues.

Migori County National Parents Association chairman Peter Odondi urged parents to ensure that mobile phones are kept away from reach of students.

 “Phones are prohibited in school even by the Ministry of Education and therefore parents must ensure children adhere to the rules to avoid sexual relationships and incitement done using phones,” said Odondi.

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