Tenai beats rival, scoffs at Sossion

By Isaac Biwott

Long serving Nandi East/Tinderet Branch Executive Secretary Boniface Tenai has been re-elected despite having been suspended from office in 2020.

Tenai, who is a Knut National Executive Council (KNEC) member, beat the acting branch Executive Secretary Wilson Kemboi by a landslide.

The elections were presided over by Knut Secretary General Wilson Sossion at Samoei High School grounds in Nandi-Hills.

Tenai polled 370 votes against Kemboi’s 82 votes while the post of chairman went to James Tallam.

Also present was the suspended Kericho Knut branch Executive Secretary Stanley Mutai who like Tenai, was also suspended by Sossion over alleged insubordination.

Kemboi was Tenai’s Assistant Secretary prior to his elevation to act as the branch Executive Secretary and thereaafter decided to challenge his boss and lost.

Mutai expressed outrage over wrangles within the Knut hierarchy that has seen the Union’s fortunes dwindle in unprecedented scale.

“Mr. Secretary General as you have witnessed here, teachers have spoken here and it is my humble request that you also stop fighting us because there is no reason, teachers know their genuine leaders,” Mutai told Sossion.

He said he and Tenai have been victims of schemes aimed at alienating them from the leadership of Knut, yet they were innocent.

“Our branch elections in Kericho will be held in March 13 and teachers in our region are asking for their rights to elect rightful officers,” Mutai charged.

Tenai also said he had been vindicated and that his suspension was uncalled for adding that he would continue to champion teacher’s rights vigorously.

Tenai and Mutai were among 13 Knut branch Executive Secretaries suspended by Sossion for leading a rebel group that wanted to oust him after he accepted a nomination slot by the ODM party in parliament.

In his speech, Sossion said he was steadfast and would remain in Knut vowing to vigorously defend his SG position during the national elections.

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