Outrage as two school dorms set ablaze in Mwingi

By Lydia Ngoolo 

The Kenya National Union of Teachers Mwingi branch Executive Secretary Michael Munyasya has asked students to stop destroying school property in an attempt to avoid sitting exams.

“Exams are not a matter of life and death. If you fail, put more effort next time,” said Munyasya.

The unionist was speaking at Mwingi Boys Secondary School where a dormitory was burnt down.

Another dormitory was set ablaze at Broadways High School on the same day.

Mwingi Boys principal Harrison Mutungi said a dormitory which houses 50 students had been set ablaze while students were attending their evening preps.

At Broadways Highway School, the principal Mercy Mulonzya said a dormitory housing 51 students had been set on fire. 

“Luckily the students who were sleeping at the time escaped unhurt. With the help of school watchmen, the fire was put out but property of unknown value was destroyed,” said Mulonzya.

Mwingi Central sub-county police commander Peter Mutuma said 12 students had been arrested and investigations were ongoing.

Munyasya urged education stakeholders to look for a solution to the surge of school riots before the situation gets out of hand.

He said reintroduction of corporal punishment would not solve the problem of indiscipline in schools and asked parents to take charge of their children’s behaviour.

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