We’ll fight for implementation CBA, says KNUT official

By Norah Musega

The Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) assistant National Treasurer Ali Abdi has called for the implementation of the 2017-2021 and 2021-2023 Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Abdi accused the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) of refusing to implement the pay pacts.

“The commission cannot continue to ignore the union and we will explore all possible channels to achieve our demands,” said Abdi.

Speaking at Sony Primary School in Awendo sub-county during Rongo KNUT branch elections, Abdi faulted TSC for what he said was selective implementation of the 2017-2021 CBA.

He urged teachers to deviate from the check-off system and use the standing order system, saying this would allow them to enhance their union through Saccos and other organisations.

Abdi at the same time urged the government to ensure retired teachers are paid their pensions on time.

In the elections, Eunice Bosco was elected unopposed as the Executive Secretary, Okongo Felix Omondi took the chairman’s position while Misao Benedict is the branch Treasurer. In Migori, the three top officials Caleb Opondi (Executive Secretary), Harrison Olola (Chairman) and Dickson Owila (Treasurer) were unopposed

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