Pupils stranded as school is demolished in Rarieda over land tussle

Erick Nyayiera

When face-to-face learning resumed on January 4th, 2021 after a ten-month holiday, anxious learners went to school to catch up with their friends after a long separation brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic.

However, the wishes and expectations of over 270 pupils in Golden Heart Academy in Rarieda sub-county went awry as the school was demolished over an alleged land tussle.

Commenting on the rude shock, school proprietor Mrs. Jane Ogada said the demolition was a result of a protracted land dispute that is currently being handled in the court of law.

The wrangle between Mrs. Ogada and the family that sold her the piece of land which the school stood on until the time of demolition saw the pupils in a dilemma as parents meditate on the new schools to take them.

Mrs. Ogada, however, points an accusing finger at Mr. Omolo Shikuku, Assistant County Commissioner, Turkana West who is a relative to the family that sold the land for igniting the dispute.

“Shikuku has been sending me text messages asking me to vacate the place lest I be forcefully evicted,” said Mrs. Ogada.  

Mrs. Ogada disclosed that she had already reported the matter to the police and Rarieda Director of Education Mr. Cornelius Mbuthi who settled the matter between the two parties asked the school to continue operations awaiting a Court ruling.

Ogada stated that property worth 1.2 million including textbooks and thermo-guns has been destroyed following the demolition, therefore, asks the government to intervene saying that she legally acquired the piece of land and has documents to show.

Parents of the stranded pupils who were gathered at the school to witness the incident condemned the demolition saying Shikuku has been threatening to use his influence as a government officer to demolish the school since 2019.

According to the records in the school, Golden Heart Academy has 17 KCPE candidates expected to do their national exams at the end of March.

When Education News contacted Mr. Shikuku, he confirmed that his relatives sold the said land to Mrs. Ogada without following proper channels but denied having been involved in the demolition.

Rarieda Director of Education Mr. Mbuthi could not be reached as his phone was switched off.

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