Team Fresh, Team Deliver face off in KUPPET branch polls

By Roy Hezron

As Kuppet elections draw near, incumbents at branch level face stiff competition, as promises to improve teachers’ welfare top the manifestos of most candidates.

The branch elections, in which almost all national executive committee members are seeking re-election, are scheduled to start on January 15 and end on February 27.

This will pave way for the national elections planned to take place between April and June next year.  

National Secretary General Akelo Misori is seeking a third term while Chairperson Omboko Milemba, who is also Emuhaya MP, is running for re-election.

Other officials seeking to retain their seats include Organising Secretary Paul Maingi, Secretary in Charge of Tertiary institutions Sammy Chelang’a, Secretary in Charge of Secondary schools Edward Obwacha and Deputy Secretary General Moses Nturima.

Julius Korir and Catherine Wambilianga will defend their seats as vice chair and Secretary in charge of Gender respectively, while Ronald Tonui wants to remain in office as National Assistant Treasurer.

Branch Elections’ Round Up

At the branch level, competition is stiff as the incumbents face a challenge from a host of candidates.


The branch has attracted several candidates who are challenging acting Executive Secretary Christopher Kimosop. They include Johanna Chebon, Gladys Kipsang and Zachariah Nyomboi Kipsaina.

Alex Cherogony and Fanuel Kipsoi are fighting it out for the position of Treasurer which is currently being held by Chebon who decided to go for the higher, Executive Secretary, post.


The branch elections, slated for January 21, have narrowed down to a contest between two teams known as ‘Team Deliver’ and ‘Team Fresh’, led by the incumbent Executive Secretary John Chesergon and Paul Biwott respectively.

Team Deliver’s line up include Chesergon (Executive Secretary), Abrahaam Kiptoo (Chairman), Kenneth Kiplagat (Vice Treasurer) and Joyleen Korir, while Team Fresh consists of Biwott (Executive Secretary),  Albert Kiptoo (Organizing Secretary), Novetus Kiptoo (Ass Executive Secretary), Ezekiel Ngelechei (Ass Treasurer) and Gabriel Yego (Vice Chair).


Branch Executive secretary Paul Rotich will face off with Henry Kiprono Sirma, among other candidates, in the elections scheduled for January 16.  


Branch Executive Secretary Julius Kiprob Mibei is defending his seat which has attracted several candidates, among them, John Korir, Paul Kimutai Biegon and Barchile Singoei.


Charles Ngeno, the current Executive Secretary, is facing competition from Robert Obwocha, Stanley Kirui and Cynthia Magaya.

The position of chairperson is being fought for by Dennis Asiago Mbori, Abisai Ogutu, among other candidates.


In the polls slated for January 23, Executive Secretary John Mburu is being challenged by Dominic Ndung’u while Chairman Michael Gachema will face off with Evanson Macharia.

 Eunice Nyambura is vying for the gender secretary seat.


In Nakuru, team fresh is led by Gitau Macharia who is seeking the Executive Secretary post. He has teamed up with Waita Kimani, who is running for the branch chairperson slot, Nyamosi Doreen (Secretary Gender) and Carolyne Rono (vice-chair).


Front runners in the branch elections include the incumbent Executive Secretary Robert Miano who is being challenged by Peter Gaithi, while Chairperson Maureen Njagi is running against Jediel Kimanthi.


Candidates who have shown interest in the branch Executive Secretary position are Patrick Maina and Francis Wanjohi while the branch Treasurer post has attracted Aaron Muhami and Absalom Wahome.

Branch vice-chair post is being vied for by Martin Muriuki and Patrick Mwangi among other candidates.

West Pokot

The branch elections scheduled for February 6 will see incumbent Executive Secretary Alfred Kamuto defending his position. The chairman’s position is being contested by the incumbent Robert Maneno and Stanley Ptorus.

Branch Treasurer’s position has attracted Joseph Kapel and Danston Lomeyan.


The race for the Executive Secretary has narrowed down to incumbent Zablon Awange and Chrispine Onyango, a teacher at Kisumu Day Secondary School. The branch elections will be held on February 27.

Homa Bay

Branch Executive Secretary Stephen Yogo, who is seeking a second term, is facing competition from Tom Odhiambo among other candidates.


The branch seems to have already decided since nobody has, so far, shown interest in challenging Executive Secretary Sam Opondo and his team in the February 6 polls.


All Makueni branch officials will be defending their positions in the elections to be held next month, as confirmed by Executive Secretary Justus Kimeu.


The battle is shaping up ahead of the branch elections slated for February 13, 2021 with Executive Secretary Stephen Njeru, Chairman Francis Njeru and Treasurer Jacob Karuraa seeking to defend their seats.

Coast region

In the Coast region, few candidates have come out to challenge incumbents, with at least one Executive Secretary opting not to defend his seat.

In Kwale, branch Current Executive Secretary John Makenzi Tuki is seeking a second term.

In Mombasa, Lynette Khamadi, the branch’s Executive Secretary, has confirmed that she will defend her seat in the January 30 elections. She is being challenged by Evan Mungeri.

Lamu Kuppet Executive Secretary Edward Mbuthia is facing competition from Joseph Menza.

In the Kuppet Kilifi branch office, Executive Secretary Thomas Katungo will be challenged by two aspirants.

In Tana River, Executive secretary Mohammed Mgawa has confirmed that he will not be defending his seat after 15 years at helm, saying he wanted to give a chance to younger blood.

The branch will elect a new Executive Secretary on January 30.

Additional reporting by Regional Reporters

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