KUPPET releases branch elections calendar

By Staff Reporter

After several months of hustle, bustle and tussle with social media awash with campaigns for various regional and national posts, the Kenya Union of Post Primary Teachers (KUPPET) management has released the elections calendar.

There are ten 10 elective seats and three 3 nomination slots per branch, with elective seats being Branch Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Executive Secretary, Vice Executive Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Organizing Secretary, Secretary Secondary, Secretary Tertiary, and Gender Secretary.

According to the calendar, Kisii and Migori KUPPET branches will crack the ground for the branch elections on January 15th 2021 at Gusii Stadium in Kisii town and Migori TTC in Migori town respectively.

 Kiambu, Machakos, Meru, Nandi and Uasin-Gishu branches will carry out their elections on 16th January 2021 at Ruiru town, Machakos University, Gitoro Catholic Conference, Kapsabet and Eldoret respectively.

Homabay County will be conducting its branch elections on 22nd January 2021 at GEB Girls High School in Kosele Township.

Baringo, Vihiga, Bomet, Murang’a, Elgeyo-Marakwet and Kirinyaga branches will all have their branch elections on 23rd January 2021 at Marigat High school in Marigat, Mbale Boys High School in Mbale town, Bomet TTC in Bomet town, Technology Primary School in Murang’a and Sacred Heart of Jesus School in Iten respectively.

 Nyeri, Makueni, Taita-Taveta, Lamu, Turkana, Kwale and Kitui will close the January calendar for branch elections on 30th January 2021 at Nyamachaki PCEA Church Hall in Nyeri, Emmanuel Fountain Hall in Sultan Hamud, Mwatate CDI Hall in Mwatate, Mpeketoni, St. Kevin’s Secondary School in Lodwar, Kwale High School and Multi-purpose Hall in Kitui town respectively.

On February 6th 2021 February, West-Pokot, Tana-River, Kilifi, Wajir, Isiolo, Marsabit and Siaya Kuppet branch members will elect their officials at Mtelo Hall in Kapenguria town, Hola Boys, Kilifi Township Secondary School, Wajir Hilton Palace Hotel, Isiolo Catholic Pastoral Centre, Marsabit St. Stephen ACK Hall, and St. Julians’ Academy in Siaya town respectively.  

Garissa, Nakuru, Embu, Mombasa, Nairobi and Samburu branches will have their elections on 13th February 2021, at Garissa Agricultural Training Centre, ACK Cathedral in Nakuru town, Urban Primary School in Embu town, Shanzu TTC in Mombasa town, KICD in Nairobi, and Joseph Allomaro Catholic Church in Maralal respectively.

Nyamira branch will have its election on 19th February 2021 at Viongozi Centre.

On the other hand, Kakamega, Narok, Nyandarua, Kajiado and Trans-Nzoia branches will carry their elections on 20th February 2021 at Malava friends Church in Malava, Ole-Tipis Girls Secondary School, Ol’kalou Catholic Church, Nkoroi Secondary School in Ongata Rongai, and Kitale town respectively,

KUPPET members in Bungoma, Kericho, Tharaka-Nithi, Kisumu, Laikipia and Busia branches are set to elect their officials on 27th February 2021 at Bungoma Member’s Club, Kericho Green Stadium in Kericho, Trans-National Sacco Mwalimu Centre in Chuka, Tom Mboya Labour College, Waiyumiririe Secondary School in Nanyuki, and St. Mathias Busia Secondary school respectively.  

Teachers contesting for various posts have cited stagnation, low accountability solemnly swearing to put everything in order once elected.

Voters will be required to show proof of KUPPET membership by arming themselves with the latest pay lip and National Identity card and they must have contributed the union dues for 13 consistent weeks prior to the election day.   

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