Students taken through Covid-19 precautions before school reopening

By Obegi Malack

Kenya Alliance for Advancement of Children (KAACR) in collaboration with Restoration of Life Center (RLC) has held a Covid-19 awareness campaign for children and teachers in preparation for reopening of schools next year.

The national umbrella body for NGO’s cooperation and the NGO held the awareness campaign in Gataka centre Nkaimurunya Ward Kajiado County that involved 130 students and 20 teachers.The students are expected to pass the knowledge to their colleagues in homes and when they report back to school.

Kajiado children share a meal during Covid-19 awareness campaign for children and teachers before reopening of schools next year.

The event was attended by Ongata Rongai Division deputy county commissioner Fidelis Lipwoni who noted that the children voices will save a life; he challenged them to share what they learned and challenged more organizations to come on board to support such trainings.

KAACR Board National chairman Bishop Dr Henry Omae said apart from the trainings they have now a development partner who will support a programme to empower women and the youth in Kajiado County. He noted that cases of teenage pregnancies are on the increase and warned parents taking advantage of Covid-19 pandemic to practice Female Genital Mutilation .

Timothy Ekesa, Executive Director of KAACR sent a message encouraging more local partnership in terms of resources to protect rights of children.

RLC called for more partnership from governments and organizations to hold more awareness campaigns in schools to prevent spread of covid-19 virus which has killed more than 1.7 million people globally and slowed global economy.

Kenya had set January 4, 2021 as a tentative date for in person learning of all schools after they were closed indefinitely in March this year due to Covid-19, the government has not given clear directive on how it will handle the pandemic in schools.

Alice Nyanumba a parent said the students are going back to a totally new environment and the government must ensure that it supplies the required items such as face masks, water and sanitizers to stop the spread of the virus.

“Children have the right to education but under a safe and conducive environment, we expect more from the government,” she said.

The government had announced that it will spend Sh28.8 billion to construct additional classrooms and repair existing ones to expand learning space but most schools are yet to get the additional classes.

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