Parents ask government to end medics’ strike

By Lydia Ngoolo 

As medics’ strike enters the second day, parents have pleaded with the government to address doctors’ grievances and end the strike.

Winfred Ndinda from Emali area who had visited Makindu sub-county Hospital with her son who had skipped class to attend the clinic said it is pathetic to witness what the patients are going through as the strike continues.

A spot check revealed there was a major go slow in health facilities in Makueni. Ndinda said medics’ strike should not be allowed during this Covid-19 period.

“I came here very early in the morning but we are just being told to wait. We have wasted our fare to this place only to go back without being treated. The strike should end lest we witness more deaths,” said Ndinda.

Another patient at the same hospital called upon the top leaders to halt the BBI issue and sort out the doctors’ problems.

He said it is painful when school children and teachers are in school yet the doctors are striking with the surging cases of the Covid-19. He, however, wondered what would happen if anything happens in schools when the doctors are on strike.

Makueni Chief Officer for health Dr. Patrick Kibwana warned all striking nurses that they will be fired. He termed the strike as illegal until a pending case at the Employment and Relations Court is determined.

Makueni KNUN chairperson, however,  Muriuki Muruathika said nurses will continue with their strike until their demands are met.

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