822 teachers promoted by TSC in Kericho County

KUPPET Kericho branch Executive Secretary Mary Rotich.

It is a joyous moment as 822 teachers for both secondary and primary schools were promoted in Kericho County.

In the secondary schools job groups D2-D3 had 16 teachers promoted (16) were promoted, D1- D2 (14), C5-D1 (29) while in group C4-C5 (25), C3-C4 were the largest recording 313 promotions and group C1-C2 had 245.

In the primary schools C4-C5 were 25, C3-C4 (46), C2-C3 (67) and C1-C2 had 245.

The teachers in Kericho who will qualify for D2 job group will be retained in their current stations and the list to be shared once received.


In a statement to the teachers in the county, the Kericho KUPPET Executive Secretary, Mary Rotich said she had forwarded their data to the head office for further considerations.

“Remember that it was 2023 promotion budget, we will be having 2024 promotion budget that we are pushing so that TSC pick from data bank instead of going through the interviews again,” said Rotich.

Teachers’ Unions faults the promotion list published by the TSC for failing to give full details of teachers promoted and lacking transparency.

“It is important we get the criteria, we have teachers who have qualified but are not promoted, and others even appear not qualified but have been moved. We are basing our argument on what criteria was used by the TSC,” Knut Secretary General Collins Oyuu said.

The promotion letters are expected latest on March 29, 2024.

By Brian Ndigo

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