80 schools receive title deeds

By Joseph Mukubwa

Over 80 Nyeri public Primary and Secondary Schools have received land title deeds as the government moves in to secure all public institutions and utilities.
The 86 title deeds were processed by National Lands Commission (NLS) recently and handed over to the school head teachers at Kihuti Secondary School in Mukurwe-ini constituency, Nyeri County.
Nyeri Governor Mutahi Kahiga lauded the move saying it would go a long way in ending cases of land grabbing that have become synonymous with public lands.
Kahiga said they were working closely with the NLS to fast tract the processing and issuance of title deeds to the rest of the schools.
“Besides cushioning schools spaces against grabbing, the title deeds would give them a sense of ownership as well as act as collateral to secure loans for development,” he said.
County Land Registrar, Jonah Mwambia, said some other 155 title deeds were undergoing processing and would be issued once complete.
Some of the schools that received land ownership documents include Kagumo High School and Bishop Gatimu Ngandu Girls.
“The process was however being slowed down by challenges including boundary disputes with locals, lost survey maps as well capacity on their part to handle all the cases,” lamented Mwambia.
He advised the schools to take physical possession by demarcating their parcels through fencing to ward off encroachers.
Nyeri Lands CEC Kwai Wanjaria called for all land dispute cases to be forward to his office for adjudication.
Nyeri has 705 public Secondary and Primary schools.

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