60,000 high school teachers to be trained on CBC

By Amoto Ndiewo

After training 228, 000 primary school teachers, the TSC intends to train at least 60,000 of their high school counterparts on CBC by April next year.

According to the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) the syllabus design for grade one through to ten are complete.

To actualize the training, the education CS George Magoha   announced a new ten month training program for teachers who will be in charge of the upcoming Grade Seven. 

This development comes amid concerns about introduction of Junior Secondary School which consists of grades Seven and Eight forming the core of CBC, which is to kick off in 2023. 

In the advent to junior secondary teaching, the TSC dashed hopes   of thousands of primary school teachers who graduated with degree in junior secondary option but did not attain a C plain in KCSE.

Holding a degree notwithstanding, the TSC insists the teachers have to get a C+ in KCSE in order to be promoted to teach in secondary schools. That condition ruled out P1 teachers with C plain or lesser grades to teach in secondary schools.

The TSC  deputy director  of staffing  Antonia Lentojoni  told head teachers  in Mombasa  that  while  qualification requirement  were unpopular  with teachers, they would improve standards  .

She insisted that the commission raised the bar to improve education quality in response to societal challenges.

“The TSC has raised the entry   points of teaching in the country to have the right kind of people to offer quality education to our children,’’ she said.

This was despite the suggestion by the KNUT   chief Collins Oyuu that teachers in primary schools with Degrees be allowed to teach Grades Seven, and Eight of Junior Secondary School.  

Antonia said teachers with the right grades are the ones trusted to ensure quality education to the children.

“These are the people with the ability   to gift quality education to our children,’’ she said.

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