5,352 candidates in Taita Taveta county sit KCPE

Daniel Nduati


KCPE exams 2021 have officially started with a total candidature of about 1.2 million in the country. A total of  5,352 candidates  in Taita Taveta County were expected to sit the exams.

A container used to store exams in Voi Sub-county was officially opened at 6:00am in the morning by the Deputy County Commissioner Daniel Nduati under tight security to ensure that the exam papers safely arrived in the different examination centres in Taita Taveta County on time.

Addressing the press in Voi Sub-county, Nduati said they are well prepared in ensuring that the exams are conducted in a professional manner and that there will be no cases of irregularities that are expected during the exam period.

It is the first time that the examination is done in March due to the effect of Covid-19 pandemic. Mathematics, English and composition were scheduled to be done starting from 8:00am.

“As you have seen, we have opened the container today at 6:00 am and all sub-county officers and education officers were present including the centre managers. We have 42 centres here in Voi, but in Maungu we have 19 and a total of 61 centres,” said Nduati.

Voi has  42 examination centres and Maungu has 19 centres.

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