500 schools in Nyanza receive seedlings from development lobby group

tree seedlings
Participants follow proceedings during the climate action summit sideline event at LBDA Mall in Kisumu.

The Lake Basin Development Authority (LBDA) has so far donated tree seedlings to over 500 learning institutions as part of efforts aimed at restoring forest cover within its area of jurisdiction.

Director in charge of Agriculture and Natural Resources Mr. Philip Oloo said that the move is in line with the President Ruto’s initiative to plant 15 billion trees.

Speaking at LBDA Shopping Mall during a climate action summit sideline event in Kisumu, Oloo said that they are sensitizing learners in schools around the region to take tree planting very seriously, especially fruit trees because they are also a source of income.

He reiterated that tree planting is one of the major solutions towards mitigating the vagaries of climate change.

“We will push for schools to be used as bulk centers for tree seedlings. This will also encourage learners to adapt trees and take care of them personally,” he added.

Oloo regretted that Africa contributes a small percent of carbon emissions but is the most vilified by the international community.

Lake Victoria South Water Works Development Agency Chairperson Odoyo Owidi noted that the top priority by environment and climate stakeholders in the region should be protecting the source of the River Nile.

He thus called for a review of the Nile Treaty of 1929, saying that it had been overtaken by events.

By Fredrick Odiero

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