4,000 technical teachers moved from TSC

By Azael Masese

Recruitment and promotions of lecturers and tutors in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions will be in the ambit of the Public Service Commission (PSC).
A Directorate of Technical Training, under the Ministry of Education, will be roped into the new Schemes of Service structure. The Scheme of Service establishes the structures that indicate the roles and responsibilities, remuneration, promotion systems, grading of teachers among other issues that touch on their welfare.

It’s understood that Public Service Cabinet Secretary Prof. Margaret Kobia is in the know of the policy shift to have the more than 4,000 tutors under her ministry, from the TSC.

Prof Kobia, Education CS Amina Mohamed, Principal Secretary, State Department for Vocational and Technical Training Dr. Kevit Desai met Deputy President William Ruto at his Karen residence. On May 21st meeting deliberated on the shift, reduction of fees among other issues in a bold attempt to make technical education and training the Government’s centerpiece towards industrialisation.
Also present were Director of Technical Training Dr. Meshack Opwora, Kenya Association of Technical Training Institutes chairperson (KATTI) Gloria Mutungi and Secretary, Mr Charles Koech.
Mutungi and Koech are the Nairobi TTI and Kaiboi TTI principals respectively.
The meeting comes barely three days after Deputy President hinted that the employer is expected to be out and take over from TSC soon.
Speaking during the 3rd graduation ceremony of Maasai Technical Training Institute, the DP regretted that TTI lecturers were put together with secondary and primary school teachers.
As a result, their career progression became a challenge and matters to do with promotion became problematic leading to poor profiling of technical teachers.
“Very soon, they will have their own Scheme of Service under PSC to provide for improved career development, remuneration,” he stated.
He offered that since 2013, the Government has deliberately expanded technical education because it foresees its potential in transforming the country into a middle income country.
“We cannot achieve that without the men and women to drive value addition, agro processing, and manufacturing,” he said.
A new examinations body is also expected to take over from KNEC to focus on skills rather than theories, noting that technical training was assessed the same way as formal education and in a way the country lost the opportunity to acquire the skills.
During the ceremony Dr. Desai stated, “Our greatest achievement is that we all collectively have so much gratitude for is the transition of teachers from TSC to the PSC under the MOE.”
Dr. Desai said this will liberate the trainers to be more effective in their work and mainstream competency based education and training into the new system.
In a past interview with Education News, Desai said: “Within the structures at the level of teachers, this is a paradigm shift that will require them to play a more distinctive role to promote hands on training.”
Subsequently, the teachers require closer understanding of the productive sector and would require hiring individuals from the private sector hence the need for a different employer.
“This is a specialised area and requires specific understanding, a multi sectoral approach, and diversity,” the PS added.
Besides, it seeks to create an ecosystem where there is close coordination between training and the industry players, something TSC cannot handle.
Consequently, this requires a different employer who will take these factors into consideration as opposed to the current employer, the TSC.
KATTI chairperson Mutungi expressed optimism that the transition, which is which is a process will assist in addressing understaffing challenges in technical institutes.
Asked if it will not contravene the TIVET Act 2013, she remained upbeat that the PSC will only act upon recommendation for the boards of governors and council members of the given technical institutes.
According to the TIVET Act, 2013, the Cabinet Secretary shall, in consultation with the Board, establish principal organs to govern the respective public institutions.
It describes these as the boards of Governors for vocational training centers, boards of Governors for technical and vocational colleges, Councils for National Polytechnics and Councils for teacher Trainer Colleges.
The organs will be in charge of recruiting and appointing trainers from among qualified professionals and practising trades persons in relevant sectors of industry.
They will also be responsible in determining suitable terms and conditions of service for support staff, trainers and instructors and remunerating the staff of the institutions, in consultation with the Authority.
Director of Technical Training Dr. Meshack Opwora stated in a past interview stated that TTI boards, council members will be responsible on recruitment, remuneration, promotion and other schemes of service.
However, Kuppet Secretary General Akelo Misori said that this would require a repeal of the constitution that gives the Teacher Service Commission the sole responsibility of employing teachers.
“TSC is the sole employer of all teachers and efforts for a different employer will require repeal of the constitution,” he said on phone.
Currently, the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) is the sole employer of 312,306 teachers serving at TTIs, Teachers Training Colleges, secondary schools and primary schools.
Nairobi Kuppet Secretary General Moses Owiti said the separation will significantly improve service delivery at the technical institutes as well as address the chronic understaffing challenges.
Owiti, who once taught at Nairobi Technical Training Institute says that when employed as an untrained teacher by TSC, the salary package is inferior compared to trained teachers.
“You are considered as an untrained teacher hence cannot be compensated adequately as is the case with trained teachers,” Owiti noted.
However, he said the move is likely to see a drop in their membership as their constitution does not allow recruiting from outside TSC.
“According to our constitution, all employees of TSC in post primary education qualify to be members but under the new constitution they will not quality to be members,” he said.

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