4 K clubs introduced in schools to boost nutrition among students

By Amoto Ndiewo

Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) deputy director Olive Mbuthia has emphasised that the core subject in junior schools is health education that covers nutrition.

In a workshop held in Nairobi to train teachers on how 4K Clubs can instil health and nutrition for children in early childhood development, Mbuthia said that agriculture is the backbone of the economy and that learners need to be self-reliant.

‘Through introducing 4 K clubs in schools, children will be equipped with knowledge and skills that are in line with the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC). The clubs will also change their attitude towards agriculture both in school and community,’’ she said.

Mbuthia added that 4K Clubs and investment in agriculture should not be seen as a last resort.

‘Healthy living should be done regularly especially for ECD children living in cities where healthy food isn’t easily accessible as in the rural area,’ the KICD boss said.

She also encouraged the participants to grow indigenous vegetables which are more disease resistant.

The KICD boss urged schools with large tracks of fallow land and which have water to utilise them to grow food and reduce hunger.

Education Cabinet Assistant Secretary Mumina Bonaya noted that previously, parents shared responsibility with schools to ensure that meaningful teaching and learning takes place.

‘’This is not expected to stop’ she said adding that the parents are the first educators of their children.

She added that parents ought to motivate their children to achieve their full potential.

 ‘’The Nestle Kenya Healthier Kids programme has  partnered with ministry of agriculture  to revamp the 4K clubs and set up nutrition gardens in schools,’’ said Nestle Kenya’s Trizah Waithaka.

The project has so far attracted more than 700,000 learners and trained more than 2,000 in eight counties where the KICD has developed programme materials to help tutors train students on nutritious food.

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