3 more ECDEs opened in Gatanga to ease population pressure

Murang'a Governor Irungu Kang'ata. He has opened 3 new ECDE centres in Gatanga to mitigate pressure of rising population of learners.

Three more ECDE centres have been opened in Gatanga Ward to match the increased enrollment in these centres owing to rising populations.

“The newly built ECDEs are a reaction to the rising school populations and the county government will continue to encourage enrollment of learners in all parts of the county,” said the governor.

The facilities are Thare, Gathuthu and Umbui that will cater for the contemplated increased enrollment in next year’s intake.

Launching the three ECDE centres during his tour of the Ward on Sunday, Murang’a Governor Irungu Kang’ata said the Umbui facility will get a water tank.

Kang’ata  was accompanied by his deputy Stephen Munania,  CECM for Education  Faith Njoroge, Deputy Speaker Moses Gachui,  and the host MCA John Kibaiya.

Present also was Kariara MCA Jeremiah Gichobe, among others.

By our correspondent

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