3 learners under oxygen support after inhaling teargas in Kawangware protests


3 learners from Ndurarua Primary School in Kawangware, Dagoretti North are under oxygen support while 35 others are hospitalized after two teargas canisters went off within the school compound.

This is after police officers opened fire and lobbed teargas canisters at vendors protesting the destruction of their kiosks in the area causing teachers and pupils to scamper for safety.

The school PTA Chair John Njuguna said that one of the three learners is admitted at Melchizedek Hospital while the other two are at Eagle Hospital in Kawangware.

The 35 students who lost consciousness were rushed to Mediheal, Riruta, Eagle and Melchizedek hospitals where they are currently recovering.

The school reached out to parents to come and collect their children after the incident although the institution had earlier declined them access to the school grounds.

One of the protesters was also shot and injured during the fracas.

The demonstrators claimed that they had not been issued with eviction notices and accused the police of indiscriminately attacking area residents.

“They had not served us with any notices; police just started attacking people and one of us was shot and injured as a result. We want to know what law allows for the demolition of property and harassing common mwananchi who work hard every day to make ends meet,” Sospeter Muchiri, a resident said.

By Thuita Jaswant

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