24-year old form four leaver stabbed by her boss

By Tony Wafula

Lucy Okwako, a 24 year old is battling for her life at Bungoma County Referral Hospital (BCRH) in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) after she was stabbed mercilessly by her male boss.

Lucy did her Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) exams at Essaba secondary school in Vihiga County but failed to proceed with her education due to lack of school fees. She resorted to work as a house help.

The incident, which happened in Mumias, Kakamega County at 11am was reported at Mumias Police station.

BCRH Medical Superintendent Dr. David Wanikina confirmed that Lucy Okwako was received at the facility with knife injuries on the abdomen and that she needed an emergency surgical intervention which was urgently done.

He said that the patient is out of danger in terms of stability and they hope she will be well soon.

Dr. Wanikina urged the public or those in marriage to solve their marital cases amicably without involving their domestic workers.

“We are currently working on her head injury to ensure that she is out of danger. Couples should solve their marital issues without involving their house helps or children and instead contact relevant authorities for guidance,” he said.

Jane Ambiyo, Lucy’s mother, said she received a distress call stating that her daughter was severely injured by her boss and had been rushed to Bungoma County referral hospital for emergency healthcare.

She expressed hope that her daughter should get well and narrate what happened

Sylvester Juma, a police officer said that some officers visited the crime scene and reported the matter to the Directorate of Criminal Investigation to track and monitor the movement and communication of the suspect.

Juma appealed to the public not to take the law in their hand but to instead report to relevant authorities or seek advice from elders.

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