230 beneficiaries of KYEP graduate

Fredrick Odiero

230 beneficiaries of the Kenya Youth Employment and Opportunities Project (KYEOP) from four the counties have  graduated.

The graduands drawn from Kisumu, Kisii, Kakamega and Bungoma were feted during a colorful ceremony at the Mama Grace Onyango Social Hall in Kisumu city.

The graduates who were trained in cycles of two to six between 2018 and 2022 could not hide their joy, saying they greatly benefited from the programme and were empowered

Principal Secretary, State Department for Youth Affairs, Charles Sunkuli, while addressing the graduands urged them to utilize the skills they gained to enhance employment opportunities in the world of work.

“I am aware most of you have secured formal and self-employment this will enable you to earn sustainable livelihoods,” asserted Sunkuli.

The PS expressed sincere gratitude to JADFAD Consultants for organizing and facilitating the graduation ceremonies in Kisumu, Nairobi and the Coastal regions.

“I am greatly honored to officiate today’s KYEOP graduation ceremony here in Kisumu which brings together beneficiaries trained by JADFAD, one of the formal training providers contracted to offer Job-Specific Skills Training (JSST),” said Sunkuli.

JADFAD consultancy offers training programmes that transform skills development hence a smooth transition into the job market.

The graduates, he said, have undergone rigorous Job-Specific Skills Training (JSST) as well as being tested and certified by National Industrial Training Authority (NITA) an aspect that has put the beneficiaries in a good place ready to fit in the job world.

Sunkuli told the 230 graduates that they form a critical component of the labor force necessary to accelerate the implementation of vision 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals.

“I believe the skills you have gained during your training will offer and enhance employment opportunities in the world of work to enable you to earn sustainable livelihoods,” he reiterated.

He said by putting the skills they acquired into practice during the training in various trade areas, this will open up more life-changing job opportunities.

The Principal Secretary moreover told the graduates that they have a role to lift the living standards of their fellow youths within their respective localities by equipping them with similar skills to gain employment hence increasing their participation in the National Development Agenda.

Sunkuli said that the Government is determined to increase employment and earning opportunities for youth through the KYEOP project by implementing various initiatives to curb unemployment in the country.

The PS stated that the State Department for Youth had initiated several other programs to address the needs and challenges of the youth such as safe spaces for youth interaction, innovation and incubations (YECs).

Sunkuli thanked the World Bank for its commitment to avail funds towards facilitating youth projects in getting technical support necessary for employment opportunities.

“I want to thank the World Bank in a special way for availing funds for the project. Your technical support is highly appreciated,” he said.

Sunkuli further urged the youth to apply for the project and utilize the opportunity since the project is on course until 2025.

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