20 girls to continue their KCSE from home after getting suspended

By Amoto Ndiewo

The Coast Regional Commissioner John Elungata has called on secondary schools heads to remain vigilant as KCSE examinations enters the final leg and has also asked students to remain disciplined  after 20 girls from a boarding secondary school in  Tana river  county  were suspended.

According to reliable sources the students were caught engaging in inappropriate acts over the weekend with boys from a neighbouring boy’s school.

The sources  from the Ministry of Education in Hola disclosed that   the girls were found  red handed accommodating  boys  from  the nearby  school  in their dormitory .

“Immediately  the incident  was discovered  the girls school’s  board of management held an emergency   meeting then decided to suspend the girls from the boarding wing,” said an officer who requested anonymity due to the sensitivity of the case.

According to reports, the 20 boys involved were also identified by their school before being summarily getting  suspended.

“Just like the girls, they will make own boarding arrangements and be sitting their examination from outside the school,’’ said a source.

“In this respect,  the girls will have  to sit the   KCSE  from  outside  the school as per school rules applying the  education act  conduct of ethics,’’ said the RC.

In mixed schools, the RC further directed the schools to strictly separate boys and girls to avoid such unfortunate acts.

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