2 schools in Butere get buses


Two schools in Butere sub-county have received school buses courtesy of Butere NG-CDF office

St John Emanyala Secondary school and St Stephen Inaya secondary school received a 51-seater school bus each from the CDF Butere office to help the school address transportation challenges.

Presiding over the handing over of the buses, the area Member of Parliament, Mr Tindi Mwale said the buses will go along way in changing the academic fortune of the two institutions.  He said CDF office is committed on changing the academic standard of the area by investing in school buses and infrastructural development.

He said the office is currently constructing eight storey structures in various school across the constituency, which comprise tuition block, hostels, classrooms among other facilities. He said the structures once completed will improve the academic status of the schools since students and pupils will have conducive place for learning. He said they planned to give five buses to schools.

While receiving the bus, the Principal for St john Emasnyala secondary school equated the bus to a moving classroom as the  school will use it effectively for academic trips and symposium which will increase the exposure of the students, hence improve in academic performance.

 The principal St Stephen Inaya said that the bus elevated the status of the school, adding that it impact positively on the academic performance of the students besides helping cut on the expenses used to hire one academic trips. He also observed that the school performs well in sports especially soccer. “The bus will add more value by giving the students opportunity to take part in various sporting events,” he added.

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