17 principals in Nyanza transferred as 2024 calendar begins

Nancy Macharia, TSC CEO. Several principals in Nyanza have been reshuffled ahead of reopening of schools next week.

Seventeen principals have been transferred in Nyanza region just days before schools reopen on January 8, 2024, majority of them being from Homa Bay, Kisii, Siaya and Bungoma counties.

The schools affected include Kisumu Boys, Nyambondo Boys, St. Albert Ranjira Mixed Day, Ranjira Mixed, Ken Obura Secondary, Ngeny Secondary, Nyando Mixed, Diemo, Kanjagwai Mixed, Maliera, Eluhibe, Pawtenge, Kanyong’oro Mixed, Sugar Research, Padre PIO Masogo, and Apondo Kaseye Secondary schools.
The affected principals include Owiye Dancun, who has moved from Kisumu Boys and will be handing over to Okelo Austine from Ringa in Homa Bay.
Gabriel Onyango of Nyabondo Boys will be handing over to Ochiech Jared from Boro Mixed Day in Siaya County.
Ochieng Willis of Got Agulu in Siaya has been transferred to St. Albert Ranjira Mixed, taking over from Aswani Peter Wafula.
Nyamugumba Wanjala of Nyando Mixed is handing over to Obonyo Aloice Ochieng of Engoto PAG in Kisii County.
Arocho Alex from Nyambare Mixed Day in Homa Bay is replacing Kanyahwai Mixed Day Deputy Principal.
Christine Juma Omboto (Ngenyi, Kisii) is transferred to Pawtenge Secondary as Deputy Principal, while Damaris Abiero of
Sugar Research is the new deputy head of Pawtenge.

These changes have been communicated through a circular released by the TSC, which says the purpose of these transfers is to enhance service delivery; and they come hot on the heels of transfer of TSC county directors.

By Amos Kerich

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