Muslims call for more Islamic teachers

By Amoto Ndiewo

The National Chairman of  Kenya Muslim Advisory Council  (KEMNAC ) Sheikh Juma Ngao  has threatened to take  the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) for biased recruitment of Islamic Religious Education (IRE) teachers.

Ngao complained that TSC allocated very few vacancies to those teaching IRE  in the latest recruitment  in Coast region .

 He said since most qualified IRE teachers are jobless in the region and have resorted to providing private tuition yet TSC cannot hire them to work in public service schools.

  ‘’Those teaching IRE and CRE studies should be accorded equal chances,’’ said Sheikh Ngao

He added they have Islamic universities are also churning out qualified graduates’ year in year out in every region of the country.

“They have nowhere to go after graduate. We want the hired because the number of vacancies advertised will not meet the number of unemployed IRE teachers,” said Ngao.

‘’In public schools you find  more teachers teaching Chriatian Religious Education (CRE) than those teaching IRE and the government needs to revisit these issues to give us answers or we move  to court ’’ he  threatened .

KEMNAC Vice Chair Sheikh Abubakar Amin said they want the pertinent issues sorted once and for all and more teaching opportunities created for the Muslims.

‘’ We saw the qualified Islamic teachers taking over in North-Eastern over when TSC withdrew teachers, ’’said Amin.   

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