Over 600 students out of university for lack of fees

By Kese Werugha

Kilifi County University and Technical Training Institutions Students Union has claimed that more than 600 students from the region studying in various universities across the country have for the last five years either deferred their courses of dropped out completely after failing to get fees.
Union chairman Jacob Fikirini said the number might rise if no measures are put in place by the County and National governments to resolve the problem.
Speaking during a forum convened by the Ganze MP Teddy Mwambire attended by 160 university students, he said. Some of those affected were from Ganze Constituency, Fikirini said the students union was setting up a database of all students facing a similar fate in the seven sub-counties in the region.
“We have more than 600 students from this county who are currently at home when they should be at the universities. Some have deferred their studies for the last five years with the hope that assistance will come their way. But nothing has been forthcoming,” said Fikirini.
He added: “With this trend, their future is being ruined right before the eyes of our leaders as other counties in the country succeeded in education. This is really worrying and action  has to be taken.”
The county, Fikirini said, already faces many challenges including poverty, famine and a high rate of unemployment coupled with dwindling tourism industry which had been the main income generating activity to the local communities not forgetting the agricultural sector too.
Esther Charo from Kachororoni village in Ganze Location who is Master’s Degree in Computer at the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) said he had to defer her studies in 2015 due to lack of fees.
And another student, Mercy Kadzo at the Presbyterian University who is pursuing a degree in Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) said she was forced to work as a night guard at Ganze Girls Secondary School after dropping out of the university. Later, she deferred her studies due to lack of fees.
Responding, the MP assured the students that he will use part of the National Government Constituency Development Fund to pay for their college and university fees when the funds become available.

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