TSC tells off Sossion and Milemba

By Peter Changtoek

Wilson Sossion and Omboko Milemba have been told off by Teachers Service Commission, over their complaints of being removed from register. TSC revealed that the two did not resign.

In a letter, TSC said that there is no record that shows that Omboko Milemba resigned in April 2017 as he alleged, to contest a parliamentary seat.

TSC further said the letter which Milemba claims to be his resignation and acknowledged and granted is not part of the records held by TSC.

“Moreover, TSC does not have in its employment an officer by the name PK Ayiego, who is alleged to have authored the letter on behalf of TSC Chief Executive,’’ adds the letter that was written by TSC head of communication, Kamotho Kihumba.

But Milemba told TSC to apologise, arguing that he resigned and his resignation was accepted by Vihiga County TSC, the last county he served as a teacher.

However, Milemba has claimed he wrote his resignation letter on February 1, 2017 and was accepted five days later on February 6.

Sossion and Milemba now want the teachers’ employer to apologise to them. Recently, the commission wrote to the two, informing them that they were no longer teachers.

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