Presidential Secondary School Bursary beneficiary tops in KCSE


A beneficiary of the presidential secondary school bursary fund was among the top students in the 2020 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) exams attaining grade A with 82 points.

Brian Thuku who was at Muranga High school hailed from Kiambaa sub county Kibubuti village was brought up by his grandparents.

Residents say Thuku who was bright and was living with his grandparents and had no money to join form one in 2016 despite attaining 400 marks in his KCPE results.

Thuku attributed his success to the support of his grandparents and the zeal of his teachers to make him excel in exams.

“Our teachers wanted Muranga High school to become number one in Kenya and they used to take us through revision via zoom classes during the time we were at home due to the Covid-19 pandemic”, said Thuku.

Thuku hopes to join the University of Nairobi to pursue medicine and thanks the Presidential Bursary Fund for coming to his aid.

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